The beginning

So let’s start from the very beginning (if you couldn’t tell by my title). My name is Meagan and my husband is Joe. I am 26 and a nurse, andJoe is 41 and a firefighter paramedic. We have been together for 7 1/2 years now, and married for 3. And in the time we have been together we have been struggling with infertility for over 3 years. We have 2 dogs, 2 cats and no babies. Well not exactly true they are our children!  The one in the front is Miley and in the back is Dozer! image

Basically, without getting into all the awful details(yet), this blog is just our infertility story and struggles. It’s become my way of venting and makes it all a little easier. So thanks for taking time to read and if your going through any of the same things or just have questions feel free to ask!!
